Follow along as our scientists conduct research at sea
Tag: scienceatsea
The cruise comes to a close

Fifteen scientists, 12 crew members, more than 5 tons of water collected, and one successful scientific research cruise completed.
Our six-day long excursion on the R.V. Atlantic Explorer has come …
Why does dissolved organic matter matter?

Deep sea dissolved organic matter (DOM) holds almost as much carbon as the atmosphere holds in the form of carbon dioxide.
The difference between …
If you give a chemist a cookie
One of the best things about being aboard the Atlantic Explorer—- other than the budding scientific discoveries and the intellectual spirit— is the food.

Marine snow and super soakers at sea

You wouldn’t typically see a snow while at sea in the Caribbean but thats not necessarily the case under the ocean’s surface. Jacob Cram from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science came on this research cruise to investigate …
CTD deployment and water collection